Master in international
The Big picture
At Rabat Business School, we believe that a successful career in finance requires a solid background in corporate and market finance, which is why the International Finance Master’s programme provides a comprehensive finance education based on the Level-1 Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification with additional professional modules practiced on the Bloomberg trading room.
The CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) certification is one of the most prestigious professional certifications in finance and business. CFA graduates go on to work mostly in asset management firms, banks and investment banks, brokerage firms, consulting firms, insurance companies and pension funds.
At the end of this programme, students will be BMC (Bloomberg Market Concepts) certified, an international certification recognised by the finance industry, and will have acquired the necessary skills to pass the CFA level-1 and IFQ (Islamic Finance Qualification).
In addition to the technical skills acquired throughout the programme, the Master International Finance includes several soft skills and coaching modules.
One of the reasons why we believe that the graduates of the Master International Finance will be successful in their professional integration is first the “Pro-Oriented” nature of the programme, allowing students to put into practice their theoretical knowledge in professional situations such as Bloomberg trading room simulations and real-life case studies. In addition to the international character of the school and the programme, which is illustrated by courses taught exclusively in English, speakers from different nationalities, and the possibility of an international academic exchange.

Programme objectives
• CFA preparation – Chartered Financial Analyst – level 1: Representing a real guarantee of mastering key technical skills. Graduates who succeed in obtaining this certification benefit from the best professional opportunities in the field.
• IFQ Preparation – Islamic Finance Qualification
• BMC Certification – Bloomberg Market Concepts
• Ability to use the most requested operational tools in the professional market: financial information systems, VBA, Excel, Bloomberg.
• Understanding and anticipating operations on the stock and financial markets.
Future perspectives
•Financial Analyst
•Technical Analyst
•Back-Office Manager
•Middle-office manager
•Portfolio Manager
•Risk Manager
•Asset Manager
•Doctoral Studies

Steps to follow in order to apply in the Master programme :
Step 1 : Create an online application on the UIR CANDIDATURE platform
Step 2 :Fill in the personal information
Step 3 :Select the master programmes you wish to join (3 maximum)
Step 4 :Download documents related to the application
Step 5 : Pay the application fees
Step 6 : Set for the admission tests